Our Healthcare Studio hosted a Fall Design Bar last week in Sacramento, with lots of games, food and food for thought! From Family Feud to Accessibility Obstacle Courses, a Medical Terminology Giant Word Search and Shooting Hoops, there was no shortage of things to do, people to talk to and things to learn about designing safely, accessibly and flexibly for our Client’s Healthcare environments.
There were raffle prizes to be won and the more games you played, the better your chances of winning. Amidst all the food and fun though, there were some genuine learning opportunities. Have a look at some of the questions below, that we had to answer correctly to work our way towards winning prizes. Designing for healthcare has numerous considerations, and these are just a few examples of some of the easier questions that our team has to know the answers to every day, on every project. (You can also have a look back at how they outdid themselves last year too, with a Halloween themed Design Bar in October of 2018).
Thank you to our Healthcare Studio for an enlightening evening of learning and laughing – and especially to Healthcare Practice Lead/Principal, Laurie McCoy and Senior Associate, Keith Demaray, for being such good sports for the fall outdoor photo opp too. 🙂