Working from home is beginning to become a part of the new normal for many. As Lionakis transitions to what has become a new routine, virtual, themed studio meetings have been a part of making the rather unique situation a bit more fun!

In the Education studio, weekly themed happy hours have brought joy to many. Topics have ranged from sharing hobbies/talents one week, to sharing items you may have cooked or baked during shelter-in-place the next week. Through these experiences, it has allowed many to open up and share about fun things that they may not have the chance to normally do while at the office, and has also allowed the entire studio to get to know individuals on a deeper level.

Meanwhile, in the Business Development Studio, themed studio meetings called “Happy Half Hours” have become a fun weekly get together as well! From wearing a fun or crazy hat, to showcasing your pet who has become your new co-worker, the moments shared together via technology and teamwork have really helped all of us to continue to have some socialization, while still remaining at a safe distance.

Cheers to many more weekly themed meetings and more fun to get us through this unprecedented time!

To see all the fun that has been had thus far in this transition, check out the photos below!