Tuesday evening, the Waikiki Improvement Association hosted the 2015 Annual Membership Meeting at the Hawaii Convention Center in Honolulu. The organization presented the Ho’owehiwehi awards (meaning to adorn, decorate or beautify). The award winners were for projects completed recently in Waikiki with four different categories including:

Hana Nui
Hana Iki
Pili Honua

Lionakis won the Hana Iki award for the Straub Doctor’s On Call Clinic. The Hana Iki award is aimed at renovation projects that enhance structures or facilities. This award recognizes a company, organization or group for a significant contribution toward the enduring revitalization of Waikiki’s physical, cultural and/or economic environment. The award also represents improvement to a particular structure or environment completed between September 2014 and August 31, 2015. (Straub DOC was completed in November 2014).

Our own Justin Wise and Christie Fong were in attendance and accepted the award on behalf of the firm. This is Lionakis’ first award in Hawaii!